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In the middle of the Catatumbo´s jungle was done with success, the Health Brigade No.32

During the days 24, 25 and 26 October it was performed the Health Brigade No.32 of the Maria Luisa de Moreno International Foundation, in this opportunity, it was performed with the Force of join taks Vulcano and told with the support of the ICBF, National Registry and another State institutions, which benefit to the habitants of nine indigenous communities Motilon Bari of Tibu, in Norte de Santander.

Very early ours volunteers got out of the Military Transportation Air Command CATAM on the plain C-295 of the Colombian Air Force until Tibu,where board helicopters MI of the National Army to be brought up to the Beboquira´s town, in the middle of the Catatumbo´s jungle where only can arrive way air or river.The health brigade was developed in this distant places.

Indigenous communities travelled large distances, some in canoes across the Catatumbo river, for having charity of this health brigade, it managed to attend about 500 indians who received 905 medical care in specialties such as general medicine, dentistry, optometry, gynecology, bacteriology, phonoaudiology, psychology, physiothrapy, respiratory therapy, speech therapy and woeming, were also delivered medicines and dentures.

“I came from Curumani, after i crossed to Ocaña, to Cucuta until arrived here, I have been traveling like one week”to us forgotten here, we don´t receive support…so it seems to me that this Brigade is very good”, says Maria Eugenia Andrada, who belongs to the indigenous community Yocaira and received several care health.

The difficult access´ conditions to the land and climate, couple with the lack of basic services such as water and light and being in the middle of an area of law and order, were not impediments to perform health brigade, because was bigger service´s will of the organizers and volunteers it made possible to bring so much joy and wellness to these indigenous communities of Catatumbo.

Children also had a space of leisure and recreation with the circus of the National Army, where with differents recreational activities performed promotional campaigns and prevention of the child abuse, the same the Fundation delivered details and donations in which had shoes tha vast majority of them are walking barefoot in the middle of the undergrowth.

Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Eduardo Galindo of the National Headquarters of integral action tell his gratefulness “ I´m falling in love of each one of you, of your work, you are very professionals in their labors…we are a Fundation very well organized, very well structured, you know wthat do and do it with the heart which is the most important…to the Fundation´s President i send you an cordial greeting of gratefulness for this big support, so broad that we gave to us, to National Army for can develop this Brigade, God bless her”

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