Actividades en Atlántico


11 Dic: Campaña “Yo Quiero Ser”

Una tarde de mucha diversión y alegría vivieron los niños de Barranquilla y los municipios de Soledad, Puerto Colombia y Malambo, en el departamento del Atlántico en el parque recreativo Divercity, celebrando la Campaña “Yo Quiero Ser” de la Fundación. Disfrutaron de refrigerios, obsequios, talleres lúdico recreativos con globoflexia así como de todas las atracciones del Parque.

07 Dic: In Atlantico 119 hundred people have been graduated of the Entrepreneur awakening project

The December 7th 119 hundred entrepreneurs of Barranquilla, they have been graduated thanks to the Foundation and their Strategic line Productive families by means of which it promote the entrepreneurship with the Entrepreneur Awakening program.

During 6 month this entrepreneurs of value, received professionals training of the area, where not only consolidate the knowledge for their bussiness, also they participated of knowledge in values and principles that sure will reflect in them and their families.


28 Nov: Ayudas oportunas para los reclusos de la Modelo

La Fundación Internacional María Luisa de Moreno, en solidaridad con la persona necesitada, una vez más hace presencia; en esta oportunidad, en la Cárcel Distrital Modelo de Barranquilla, donde se beneficiaron 150 reclusos, recibiendo cerca de 2000 ayudas entre las que se encontraban colchonetas anti inflamables, sábanas, almohadas, chancletas, kits de aseo, camisetas, pantalonetas y otros.

28 Nov: Donations and timely aid was delivered in the Barranquilla´s Modelo Jail

Maria Luisa de Moreno International Foundation, in solidarity with those who need it, once more ir makes presence, in this opportunity in the Modelo district jail of Barranquilla, where was benefit 150 prisoners, receiving 1950 thousand aid, among non-inflammable mats, sheets, pillow, sandals, hygiene kits, t-shirt, shorts and others.
The joy and satisfaction of people expressed us, is the reward to this labour that we make with the heart.

22 Nov: “”””Aid in Magdalena Foundation” ” ” “

In the Magdalena Foundation town, due to harsh winter, thousand of citizens were affected, and they not outside to this problem, the Foundation with it volunteers was presence in this place, giving to children, adults and older people joy among many difficulties.s.
We delivered them mat, food supplies, toilet articles, shoes, in all 1952 thounsand aid and human warmth that always have the Foundation´s volunteers.