Actividades en Colombia


29 Dic: “”””100 desplaced children received gifts” ” ” “

00 children and 50 mothers desplaced by the violence, they got together in the children´s garden of the Cordiality neighborhood of Tumaco, there the Foundation delivered to all of them toys, ball, school kits and toilets kits. This day carried out 29 of December, motivating to children to continue studying the next 2012, having to care and not playing with gunpowder at the end of year celebrations, and the importance of taking care environment and not discard waste or garbage in the sea.

11 Dic: “Un Día para el Niño” en Montería

La Fundación celebró “Un Día para el Niño” en Montería – Córdoba, durante la actividad se llevaron a cabo juegos lúdicos en donde los padres tuvieron la oportunidad de compartir un día agradable con sus hijos. Además de esto cada niño(a) recibió un regalo.

11 Dic: Children day in Monteria

The past 11 of December of 2011 the Foundation celebrated the children day in Monteria-Cordoba, during the activity it carried out playful games where the parents had the opportunity of share a nice day with their children.Futhermore of this each one received a gift.


17 Nov: Comunidad de Llorente recibe ayudas

En el corregimiento de Llorente al suroccidente de Colombia, en el departamento de Nariño, la Fundación entregó donaciones a 80 familias vulnerables. A esta comunidad afectada por la violencia de grupos armados al margen de la Ley, la Fundación y la Policía les llevó donaciones de mercados con productos no perecederos, utensilios de aseo, ropa de cama, ropa interior, vestidos de baño, kits escolares completos (colores, corrector líquido, lápices, esferos, cuadernos, borrador, portaminas, tajalápiz), kits de higiene oral, balones, y juguetes.


17 Nov: Llorente community received aid

In the Llorente township to Colombia south west, in the Nariño town, the Foundation delivered donations to 80 vulnerable families.To this affected community by the violence of the ilegal armed groups, the Foundation and the Police delivered donations with perishable products and toilet utensils, bed clothes, underwear, swimwear, full school kits ( colors, corrector fluid, pencil, pens, notebooks, pencils, easer, chooping pencil) oral hygiene, balls and toys.